

Thank you for taking the trouble to view my website and my photograph collections.

My intention in displaying them here is just to offer them for others to view. After all, pictures are meant to be seen. Like other keen photographers, we probably all have amassed thousands of images over the years which are just residing on hard drives or in photo albums without the possibility of external access. I’m sure many of these collections contain hidden gems. Some of the images, in particular the ones of Japan and the USA, were taken some years ago on a film camera and these have been scanned for posterity, so are not of high quality. The collections shown here are simply to share the results of a life long passion with other keen photographers. However, if anyone is interested in acquiring copies, I would be willing to provide a higher resolution copy for a very small fee. Do drop me a line if you have any comments or feedback about any of the images or photography in general.

In the meantime, with all warm wishes
